Wednesday, September 24, 2008,

I am glad some friends actually came back wanted to gather.
What is their main reason I don't really bother for now.
Hope that they know we are not after their money.
We may not be the BEST friend, but hope you find your joy where ever you are.
I don't judge my friend base on remebering of birthday's date. Is not like they
are not important, just not THAT important to spoil a friendship.
If you are willing to forgive, I am more than willing to apologize and
contiune our friendship.
Feeling a little upset with a few things that happen in my life.
As you all know one of which is Friendship.
I don't know. I am not sure if all this quarllering are worth it?
Why can't we just have peace and be friends ?
Second thing
I am going to get out of serving the nation, tention flowing in as I decide on the course I am going to take the following year. From the looks of it, people around me are already living my dreams. Seeing that really jolt me back and think, what if I don't reach where they are ? Am i dead for sure? Oh well, God remind me that I am living my life for him. Not for my own personal gloryfication. So... what I am going to do doesn't really matter anymore.
Trying to make peace.(State your rules and I will try to follow)

9:04 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008,

CHeck it OUT !!!!

Different Colour !!!!

Hahaaha finally.... NOT BLACK

8:48 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008,

The Photo on the left is kelvin & me. He is one of my friend in National Service. ORD already and heading to Canada for study. So is like a farewell party.(Me with my usual pose.)

This was taken in Takashima. Cute huh ?
Both of this photo was taken when we went to walk the bridges (Southern Ridges). Does this hat suit me? I should be a cowboy. What am I doing in Singapore?

And this is my latest art. This is only part of it. Can't show you the rest yet.

Dearest Friends,

I am typing out what I want to tell you. Things that happen to me, with a swelling thumb. I actually feels pain in the heart and my thumb. When the pain comes to me the first thought was her. Then OUCH. Sat one side thinking. And I keep complaining that it hurts like a little boy. I am not good with pain.
Thanks to Basketball, I got 2 days MC.


I would like to say, I love my birthday present(Photo Album). It brings me back to the GOOD old days where life were still simple filled with joy. Looking back at those photos shows me how much I have grow. Sadly, my life is still a distant away from what God expectation.
I just broke up. It was dreadful, but I got to do it. For the benifit of both parties in long term wise. Feeling kind of weird and not really use to it.
Read those word that are on the first page of the blog.( which is like when you just came in to my blog and you press nthg. There is these words scrolling down on its own)
Read it. I wrote it.

7:30 PM